Faith & Worship

We, the Saint Anne Parish and School clergy, administration, faculty, and staff, join with parents in building God’s kingdom through the intellectual and spiritual education of our students, Pre School through eighth grade, as we prepare them for today and for the future. As a school community, we are guided by our faith in Christ, sustained by our hope for the coming of His kingdom, and empowered by our love for each other and for God.

School Masses

Saint Anne School has a rich faith tradition, and welcomes students of all beliefs. We strive to help each student develop a deep love of God and a habit of prayer. Beginning with the youngest, students come to know God through a variety of experiences. We hope to provide each of our students with an awareness of God’s presence that will invite them to be builders of God’s Kingdom. Our First through Eighth  grade students attend Mass twice a month in our parish church at the 8:30 am parish Mass. 
Each month, one grade, including Kindergarten,  leads a school wide mass in our parish church at the 8:30 am mass.  Students lector, our Mariachi lead the music, and students all wear their mass uniform at these school wide masses.
Our families are always welcome to join us in worship.


The sacraments are sacred signs that convey God’s love, grace, and blessings in our lives.

Sacraments are celebrated through each child’s home parish. All students who are members of St. Anne Parish should register for the sacraments during school registration or in the parish office in August each year.

Each year our Third through Eighth Grade students are afforded the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice a year.

Our Catholic students celebrate First Reconciliation when they are in second grade. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also called confession or penance), we express sorrow for our sins and are reconciled with God and the Church.  This sacrament takes place at St. Anne Catholic Church
in the spring.

First Communion

As Catholics, we know that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith; it is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Pope Francis has called it the “Sacrament of Love”. “The Eucharist is at the heart of ‘Christian Initiation’, together with Baptism and Confirmation. From this Sacrament of Love, in fact, flows every authentic journey of faith, of communion, and of witness.” 

St. Anne Catholic School prepares our young Catholics to receive the Eucharist in 2nd grade.  This preparation begins with the student’s parents at home and continues into each day with their teachers at school.  In the Eucharist, we receive the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion. Parents must attend a meeting for First Eucharist. Students also attend a one day retreat in preparation for this beautiful sacrament.

Students who are in Grades Three through Eight who desire to receive this sacrament will prepare throughout the year with special classes so that they will be prepared for both First Reconciliation and First Communion.  Parents must inform the office that they desire their children to begin their preparation.

Religion Classes

St. Anne Catholic School teaches the Catholic Christian way of life, which recognizes that man is created by God and, through the merits and teachings of Jesus Christ, is destined to return to God by the proper use of the time and talents God has given him.
The following religious programs and practices are offered to students:

Religious Studies: Daily religion classes are an integral part of the educational program for all students at all grade levels.  Daily prayer beginning in the morning and ending the school day are an important part of our school’s faith program.

Worship: The program also offers students an opportunity to express their faith in worship. Students participate in weekly worship experiences as part of their regular Religious Studies program.

Christian Service: Christian Service will be an ongoing opportunity for students to participate in the practical charity of Christ toward others.

School Family Service Projects

Three times a year, once a semester, students gather together into ‘School Families’ to pray together and work on a service project together.  School Families are made up of 2-3 students from each grade level.

Some of the recent projects have included:
– Shoes, socks, basic supplies for the Mexicali Shelter connected with Border Compassion for women and children living there
– Thank you cards for our local service agencies, including Police, Fire Fighters, and community service personnel
–  Cheer Up cards for the elderly in nursing homes
–  Baggies with essentials for homeless of Santa Ana
–  Blankets for homeless of Santa Ana

Student Activities


Girls and Boys Athletics

Saint Anne School hosts a variety of boys and girls athletics.  These include Boys and Girls A and B Volleyball, Boys and Girls A and B Basketball, Soccer for Grades Kindergarten through Grade 3, and Boys and Girls Track.
Competitive sports encourages team effort.   Our students learn good sportsmanship, teamwork, and grow in athletic skills.

Boys Sports

Saint Anne School has a vibrant sports program for our boys in Grades 4-8 which include:  Basketball, Volleyball, and Football.  Any student who wishes to try out will belong on the team, no matter how many members the team will then hold.

Practices are held afterschool, everyday but Friday.

Mariachi Program

In 2023 Saint Anne School began their Mariachi Program which has been very attractive for many of our students. There are two levels in the Mariachi Program: Advanced Mariachi, in which students play the five traditional instruments for Masses and outside events, and Beginning Mariachi, in which these students learn an instrument but also provide the vocal accompaniment to those playing the instruments. Any student in Grades 2-8 can join Mariachi. Grades 2-4 students can begin learning violin, guitar or vihuela. Students in Grades 5-8 can also learn trumpet or guiterrone.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers provide assistance during the Masses each day and on the weekends.  They meet monthly with others in the parish who are also Altar Serversat the parish.

Student Council

Saint Anne School has a long tradition of helping students grow in leadership through our Student Council which is open to students in Grades 5-8.  Although voting takes place for the main leadership positions of President, Assistant President, Treasurer, Secretary, Girls Athletics, Boys Athletics, Religious Affairs, and Ecology, any student that wishes to belong to Student Council are welcomed as part of the team.

Student Council lead the weekly outside assembly as well as morning prayers over the intercom.  At this time they communicate with the school all important announcements as well as celebration of birthdays.

Academic Decathlon

Saint Anne School is extremely proud of our Academic Decathlon students who consistently win awards at the yearly competition in March.  For the last two years they have won individual medals and were the winners of Superquiz, this past  year tying with Serra Catholic School for Third Place.

Students in Grades 6-8 can join Academic Decathlon.  Practices take place afterschool and on Saturdays.  Students choose one academic area:  Religion, Literature, Math, Social Studies, Current Events, Science, Fine Arts, and Grammar.

Recorder: Grade Four

Students in Grade Four learn how to play the recorder so that when they enter Fifth Grade they will understand musical notation and begin to develope eye/hand coordination needed to play a more complex band instrument.

Mr. Bruno Cilloniz is the Saint Anne Band Director who also teaches our Fourth Grade students recorder.

Beginning Band: Grades Five and Six

Students in Grade Five and Six explore all the band instruments:  flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, trombone, tuba and percussion instruments.  Early in the year they are able to choose one of the instruments to learn to play which they will continue to develop their skills until the end of the school year.

Advanced Band: Grades Seven and Eight

There is no substitute or replacement for music making as it relates to the positive growth and development of the human mind, body, and spirit. Participation in band gives the musician the infinite journey of creative expression connecting to a language (music) that is understood, communicated, and appreciated by all of mankind around the globe. More importantly, MUSIC IS A PLACE FOR EVERYONE.

Concerts are held periodically throughout the year.